Monday 23 June 2014

"La Recompensa vale la Pena"

            You don't always see Gods work on television. However, when you do it is wonderful. I was normally watching documentaries on Discovery channel when all of a sudden the channel switched to Life & Travel. I saw food so I left it on. When the commercials came to a end there was a show going on about "Babalawos" witch is a religion common to Latin American countries. They wear all white to church and carry yellow and green bracelets or chains on them. They pray to a god that they believe is this rock in shape of a head . They would normally leave food by the rock and let it to decay, this is their way of  "feeding the God". On the TV show, a Babalawo priest was cleansing people of bad spirits. To cleanse they would firstly Rub an egg on you, secondly make you break the egg in a bad and thirdly make you hold the rock face in in order to clean your calms. Babalawos would sacrifice a chicken and then soak the rock in its blood to complete the cleansing ritual. When I saw this I became shocked and I said this is not God's work. On the show there was a 16 year old Christian boy being forced to do the cleansing ritual by his father. The show showed this boy praying to Jesus before the ritual and saying "Jesus please protect me from any chants or witchcraft that will be chanted upon me, In your wonderful, graceful and powerful name I pray, Amen". I also said amen and continued watching. The boy's father first did the ritual and when it was his sons turn to break the egg it did not break, he threw if as hard as he could at the ground and it was as if the egg were stone. The boy's father and the priest looked shocked of what just happened. the priest picked up the egg and simply dropped it and it cracked into tiny pieces. As I looked at this I said praise the lord and I prayed afterwords.
           When you are in Christ you are given much more than you give. Christianity gets you closer to god and to understanding his will. It help us understand that when Jesus died on that cross he died absorbing all our sin, he died thinking of you. If you give yourself to god you will feel his love for you. The reward that the Lord has for you is not comparable to any other reward there is. God is simply unique. Peruse God, God is the key to true peace and happiness.
            You may sometimes think that god hates you because you feel that you suffer. God doesn't want us suffer, that's why Jesus died for to release us from sin and suffering. However, if we continue to dwell along side the devil or any other man-made god, your future wont be as bright and wonderful as the people who dwell along side Jesus. God promised that the reward for worshipping and following him is great. The Lord is waiting for his followers in heaven. Don't think that because you don't do things that don't please god that he doesn't love you. He is looking down at you right now and saying I want that one. He loves us despite the crimes we have committed. All he wants is for you to love him back and whatever you want in life he will give it to you. You just have you learn to be patient and it will be yours.

Thursday 5 June 2014

"The Big Surprise"

           I'm one to be very attached to my family and when some have to leave, its hard for me. I was only 12 years old when my sister was living with me and the family. She was 17 and soon going to be a grandaunt in grade 12. At the time, I was exited for her but also depressed because I knew that she would have to go away soon. If i went to talked to her about it, I thought I would be holding her back from a bright future so I didn't want to risk anything with her. As we got closer to that day, she came to the family with a "Big Surprise". she exclaimed " I go a Scholarship!". I congratulated her and then I went outside. I felt as if I was falling in a hole full of sadness, depression and loneliness. If it was up to me I would've made her stay. I guess she saw me sitting outside and saw that  looked sad. Out of the blue, she sat next to me and said "why the long face? Is it because I'm leaving?". I replied " I just don't know if I could handle you gone" and she said "I promise that I will come back at least 3 times a year". Of coarse, I knew I couldn't say no because like I said, it would be holding her back. I had to accept he fact that no-one stays forever. A few weeks after her graduation she was packing to go to the US where she will be attending her university. She was set to become an Environmental Engineer and I couldn't been prouder of her. I knew I wanted to graduate and start my future just like her. She also visits every 3 months so I'm up to date with her. In the end of it all i knew that everyone moves on in their lives and we have to be there and happy for them.

Wednesday 4 June 2014

Dealing with a Breakup

            Back when I was still a kid, I had a friend and we would go everywhere and do everything together. I guess you can say he was my best friend. We grew up together, always getting in trouble. As we grew older we started to do more mature thing. The media showed us that smoking and drinking we the 'bomb' back then. I didn't listen to what i hears and saw in the streets but on the contrary, he did. Due to this we started to grow apart. We didn't go out or talk as much as we used to. He got rolled up into marijuana and alcohol. I tried to correct him more times than I can count. Eventually I snapped and I cut him off. I stopped talking to him and stopped getting involved in his life. Obviously, that was very hard for me. This happens all the time to normal people around the world. A breakup doesn't only consist of courtships, it also about friendships. When you do breakup with someone all you need to know is that there are ways to deal with them and that these things happen. some ways you can deal with a breakup are to stop thinking about them, replace them, talk it out and just to realize that there are plenty more fish in the sea. Breakups are never easy, but you just need to know how to move on with your life.